The Elements of A Firm Spiritual Foundation

The Three Key Foundational Elements

Our foundational elements are guides that help aid us through our spiritual development and personal growth. They are a guiding light in times of uncertainty and discomfort. As the soil is to our gardens; the innermost values of our soul — our foundational elements help create who we are today. If you’ve found yourself pondering on the foundation of your garden, wondering when the seeds you’ve planted will sprout, consider taking a step back and look more closely at what type of soil you’ve planted your seeds in to begin with. Here are the 3 key elements that I believe build a firm spiritual foundation.

Eternal Perspective

The first element is the ability to obtain and maintain eternal perspective throughout your entire life. Eternal perspective is the ability to see; “Things as they really are, and.. things as they really be.” Jacob 4:13 — recognizing that you are a divine being with the power to create and be everything; yet also recognizing that abiding by the laws of Source will strengthen your spiritual authority to have everything you are desiring. Your eternal perspective affects your choices and priorities. It deeply defines your values and impacts how you make decisions in your life. 

Solidifying your values and beliefs opens the door for harmony to thrive within you. It allows for you to have a vision. To see much more than just the present moment but also the future; as you are aware that today’s actions deeply impact tomorrow. It allows you to walk in your true purpose alongside your spiritual gifts. To make decisions in alignment with your eternal perspective. And brings awareness and intention behind every decision for stepping out of alignment would prevent you from reaching your destination. 

Defining and honoring your eternal perspective is important. Creating your own unique covenant with Self will help you maintain it.


A covenant, in other words, is the willingness to make a promise and the strength to follow through with it. Establishing promises with Self holds you accountable for the things in which you are wanting to achieve. Personally, I use crystals as a way to remind myself of the promises I am committed to during that season. When creating a promise, I first explore my external perspective and then I affirm promises to each crystal and wear them daily to stay focused. 

A covenant can be created in any way you see fit. This can be achieved through affirmations, writing it in a journal, prayer, meditation or speaking it out loud. Making a promise to Self and then following through with the promise builds trust within yourself and shows the Universe that you are serious about what you are wanting for your future. Keeping your promises increases your eternal perspective and allows for you to begin to see the true fruits of your labor as long as you both hold tight to your vision and the promises you’ve made.

Regardless of your promise or how you establish it, the most important aspect of all is follow through!

Self Discipline

The ability to live consistently with your vision and commitments is accomplished through self discipline. Without self discipline, the promises you’ve made will never be honored and the vision you have will never be fulfilled. Establishing a structure for Self and then staying consistent with your work is the most essential element in building a firm spiritual foundation. It does not matter what vision you may have, or what promises you may make if you lack the ability to be disciplined and complete your life’s purpose.

Your Spiritual Foundation 

No one can build our spiritual foundation. In this matter; we are our own contractor — our own soil provider. We have been given such an amazing opportunity as to plant the seeds of our choice and to nourish the soil from which our flowers will grow. 

How will you tend to your garden? What 3 key elements do you believe help build a firm spiritual foundation? 


This piece is written by Sarai Peterson @suhnrai. She is the creator of Saroz Jewelry &. Accessories @sarozja and a dedicated writer for Mental Maintenance @444themental. You can join her for more on her Youtube Channel @SUHNRAI.

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