Care &. Maintenance

Crystal Care

Since your crystal has been exposed to energies that may not align with your own, (the journey from our vendors, to the mail carriers, to us and then to you), cleaning methods can be used in order to cleanse and realign your crystal. These methods can also be used on a weekly or monthly basis depending on how often you are in contact with your crystal.

Side note: The crystals in The Quartz Family collection are able to get wet! This includes: amethyst, clear quartz, rose quartz, citrine, and smoky quartz. We do, however, recommend that you research your specific crystal before cleaning and remove your crystal from it’s fine jewelry and avoid getting your crystal’s link wet.


Water: For approximately one minute, rinse your stone under running water. This can be from a stream or you can use the faucet in your bathroom and kitchen. Whatever your source of water, make sure you rinse the entire crystal and pat dry when finished. 

Tip: While you are restoring your crystal, imagine the energies that may have been stored running down the drain along with your water. Take a deep breath in, as you welcome cleanliness, new energy and restoration back into your crystal and take a deep breath out, as the stored energy is now being released.

Sage (smudging): Rotate your crystal over the smoke of your sage for about 30-45 seconds. Smudging your crystal outside (or indoors near an open window) pulls unwanted energies from your crystal and restores it back to its natural state.


Be intentional with your crystal when you wear it. Simply look at yourself in the mirror and envision the crystal's energy merging with your own. Envision the crystal aiding you throughout your day and ask it for assistance when you need it.